Review of IT WORKED FOR ME by Colin Powell with Tony Koltz The reason I picked up this book, It worked for me, is I remembered, as a teenager, Colin Powell was the Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. I knew he was a US Army general and that he served under a …
Great By Choice Book Review
Great By Choice Book Review First off, I want to thank ConnectWise for sending me this book, Great By Choice. The company I worked for became a customer of theirs and I was the lead engineer implementing their product. Then ConnectWise saw it fit to send me this book and it was a good read. So …
Review of “The 5 Love Languages”
My thoughts on "The 5 Love Languages" military edition, the secret to love that lasts. This book was written by Gary Chapman with Jocelyn Green, I want to make sure I give them the credit for this book. I had heard about the five love languages before but this was my first time reading it …
Dog2D Game Update 1
Greetings and Salutations! Since my last post, I have added some small enhancements to the first level. When I think about this Dog2D game, I really want to emulate a dog as the player. I have focused on thinking about the actions and mannerisms of dogs and applying those to the game. As the dog …
Review of “Thou Shall Prosper”
“Thou Shall Prosper, the Ten Commandments for Making Money”, written by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, is a must read for anyone that wishes to grow as a person. I feel that this book can teach something to anyone and it's definitely worth the time to read. I want to share a few practical things that I …
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