Review of The Go-Getter

The Go-Getter is a short story originally published in 1921 that has been repackaged by Dave Ramsey. It contains a forward by Dave and some added discussion content at the end of the book. Originally written by Peter B. Kyne, the writing reminded me of watching an old black and white TV show. It’s a …

Review of Rhinoceros Success

Rhinoceros Success, the secret to charging full speed toward every opportunity is a short book all about your mindset. You are a rhinoceros and you don’t take any bull. You barrel on through every opportunity, wake up early and dominate your life! The book is written by Scott Alexander with a forward by Dave Ramsey. …

Review of The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant is written by Terry Felber and this version of the book has a foreword by Dave Ramsey. The book is a short, fictional story portrayed as a grandfather tells his grandson about his life as a merchant. The grandfather was adopted by monks but grew into his …